Stanford Math Tournament 2025 Online


DATE: April 13, 2025
WHO: Students in high school and below, from anywhere in the world
COST: $15-$25 per student (see timeline below)

Registration Timeline

Mid-February: Registration opens
March 1, 2025 at 11:59 PM PT: Early Bird ($15/student) registration deadline.
March 31, 2025 at 11:59 PM PT: Regular ($20/student) registration deadline.
April 6, 2025 at 11:59 PM PT: Late ($25/student) registration deadline.
April 9, 2025 at 11:59 PM PT: Very Late ($30/student) registration deadline and deadline for adding students to teams and filling out waivers. Teams are frozen on COMP (our online test-taking software).
April 12, 2025: SMT Online Puzzle Hunt
April 13, 2025: SMT Online
April 20, 2025: SMT Online Awards

Contest Schedule


*Schedule and activities subject to change. Note that there is built-in buffer time to explain instructions and assist with technical difficulties.

Test Information


The Power Round is a 80-minute exam focused on proof-writing. The content of the test focuses on a single subject matter that is usually significantly different from traditional competitive math problems.

The Team Round is a 50-minute exam consisting of 15 short answer questions.

The General Test is a 110-minute individual exam consisting of 25 short answer questions that is designed for students that have less specialized mathematical background.
The General Test is worth 60% of the Subject Tests.

The Subject Tests are two 50-minute individual exams consisting of 10 short answer questions. The subjects offered are Algebra, Calculus, Discrete (Number Theory & Combinatorics), and Geometry

The Guts Round is an 80 minute live-scored team exam consisting of 9 series of 3 questions each, whereby teams must submit answers to a previous round in order to gain access to the next. Subsequent rounds are both harder and worth more points than previous rounds.

Anti-Cheating Measures

This year, SMT Online is implementing additional anti-cheating measures to ensure a fair competition. These measures include, but are not limited to:

  • Zoom Breakout Rooms: During tests, participants will be in Zoom breakout rooms, and they must have both screen sharing and their video cameras on at all times.
  • If your device does not have a video camera, please let us know in advance. You also must record yourself with the second camera, described below.
  • Monitoring of Computer Activity: We will monitor suspicious computer activity throughout the tournament, using information from our online test-taking platform.
  • Post-tournament review: After the tournament, answers flagged as suspicious will be reviewed for potential cheating.

During and after tournament day, SMT will look for patterns of suspicious behavior. If substantial evidence suggests that a participant may have cheated, they will be disqualified unless they can provide recording(s) that satisfy the following requirements:

  • The participant's screen and hands are visible for the full period of the test. This applies to all test-taking sessions.
  • Each round must be contained in one continuous recording. Separate rounds may have their own recordings.
  • All rounds must be recorded.

Affected participants will be contacted by Wednesday, April 16, and must submit satisfactory recordings within 48 hours.

Furthermore, if SMT has strong evidence that cheating occurred systematically throughout a team, then that team will be prohibited from participating in any SMT events for one year.


Q: How many students may be on a team?

A: Teams consist of 6-8 members. Individuals and incomplete teams may be combined by organizers to form complete teams.

Q: Do students on the same team have to be from the same school or established mathematical organization?

A: No, you are free to form teams from outside of your school/in your area.

Q: Can I register for SMT 2025 Online as an individual?

A: Yes, you can register as an individual.

Q: What schools or organizations can participate in SMT?

A: SMT 2025 Online will be open to all schools and organizations.

Q: Can international teams participate in SMT Online? If so, how do they register?

A: Yes, as long as they are able to take the tests in PDT time.

Q: Will SMT Online have Awards?

A: There are no physical awards, but we will be announcing results and providing digital certificates of achievement. These digital certificates will be provided within 2 weeks of the tournament.

Q: Are calculators allowed?

A: No. Calculators are not allowed on any portion of the tests. Check the SMT rules for information on permitted items.

Q: What topics may appear on the tests? How hard are the tests?

A: See the mathematical expectations document for guidelines on what topics may appear on each test. It is also advisable to look at the test from previous years in order to get a sense of the typical style and difficulty of SMT tests.

Q: Which individual test should I take?

A: If you have little or no experience with contest math, we strongly recommend you take the General Test. Looking at past tests will help you get a sense of the difficulty of each test.

Q: Can I use the problems from previous SMT tests listed below in my classroom/book/etc?

A: Yes! Feel free to use these problems provided you cite us in the format (Stanford Math Tournament [Year] [Round] [Problem #])